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For many of us, our concept of Advent has been shaped by daily calendars filled with candy that build up our anticipation for the delights of Christmas morning and our presents under the tree. But Advent is so much more than that commercial interpretation.

Advent is a season of the Church calendar that encompasses the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day. The image inherent in the season is one of glimpsing the promise of light while waiting in the darkness—just like Israel did throughout their history as they looked forward to the promised Messiah.

One of the most glorious encounters in the Christmas story came to a group of people who were least expecting it. On the day Jesus was born, a group of shepherds near Bethlehem were busy with their typical work, keeping their flocks by night.

But in a moment, the angels interrupted the mundane to bring a message that changed everything. And this is what God wants to do for us, too, if we slow down enough to see the glorious news of the Advent season.

In the dark night of disappointment, God wants to shine bright hope. In the overwhelming chaos, God wants to speak peace. In the restless routine, God wants to introduce inexpressible joy. In the loneliness of waiting, God wants to show us just how much he loves us.

Over the next four weeks, slow down to see the gifts of God through this Advent season through the story of the shepherds. Each week, light a candle together to celebrate the traditional themes: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Community Directors Lindsay Knuckles and Suzanne Martin introduce Advent to our congregations and share the value of this season of slowing down in preparation for focusing on the arrival of Jesus.